
Why Staycations are Becoming the New Vacation

With the uncertainty that follows with traveling abroad nowadays, it makes sense that going on a staycation is becoming the new vacation. Going to a place that might only be an hour’s drive from your home can be the perfect way to relax if you have taken time off.

Staycations originally meant staying at home when you book time off from work. For people who have busy lives, then just doing nothing can be the perfect way to relax and recharge after a busy period.

But now, staycations have evolved to traveling to places that are near your home. This is the perfect way to relax and is great for people who love traveling to new places. It’s also a great way for families to get away for some time. It’s a lot less stressful and can create some amazing family holidays! Doesn’t matter if you want to stay in a campsite, a hotel, a farm or a static caravan, there are plenty of places for families to have an amazing time. If you’re not sure where to go though, then just check out these family holiday places that are ideal for young children – the possibilities are endless!

Even before all that was going on in the world, going on vacation could be a stressful thing, you would have to plan so much, go to a completely new place and have no idea what you are doing. It can actually be more stressful then you realize, and you might find that you would need to go on vacation after you’ve come back just to recover from your jam-packed vacation.

You won’t have to worry about the long travel back, unpacking all your bags, and recovering from things like jet-lag. You’ll feel more refreshed and ready to get back to work if you enjoy a staycation. There are plenty of other reasons that this can be a more enjoyable thing.

So let’s take a look at the great things about taking a staycation!

More Time for Relaxing

When it comes to going on holiday, the most important thing is relaxing not the number of days that you are off for.

Think of it this way, if you are only going away for the weekend, then would you prefer to only have to drive an hour away and have more time relaxing? Or would you prefer wasting several hours traveling to a new place, only to have less time relaxing?

Having to travel for a long period is not a good recipe for a relaxing weekend.

This is why a staycation is a far more superior thing than a vacation. Instead of losing time and energy preparing for a vacation, a staycation will provide you with high-quality resting time.

A staycation will provide you with a genuine break from work and life pressures.

When it comes to a staycation, you won’t have to worry about long traveling, packing/unpacking, jet lag, etc, like you would with a vacation. This means that you’ll get back to work feeling more refreshed, relaxed, and rejuvenated.

New Experience That is Just Around the Corner

Everyone wants to explore new places, but most people assume that the only way to do this is to travel abroad to faraway places. But really, you can have a great holiday half an hour away from your home, two hours away from your home or five hours away. It really just depends on what you want from your vacation.

Do you want to spend all day outside exploring places you’ve never been before, or would you rather spend the weekend relaxing at one of these lodges and spend your evenings gazing at the stars in the hot tubs provided. You will always be able to find the perfect vacation spot close to your home. So keep an eye out and you’ll easily be able to find the perfect place to visit that would provide you with the perfect new experience.

Now of course going to faraway places will provide you with a new experience, but often people will overlook the amazing places that are just around the corner to their home. I know I’ve been guilty of that.

Thanks to lockdown, I’ve discovered two moats near my house, some amazing walks (with some pretty impressive views), and a whole lot more. My family has lived in our house for nearly 30 years, and only recently have we learned about our local area.

There will be cafés and restaurants you’ve never tried (just remember to be safe), historic buildings you’ve never seen before, and nature parks you’ve never visited.

Notice the phrase “you’ve never” in the above sentence. You may have convinced yourself that to see new things you need to travel overseas. But with a little effort on your part, you’ll be able to experience new and exciting things close to home.

Obviously depending on where you live, there are plenty of amazing places that you will be able to explore – and most will be within a couple of hours of travel time.

The important thing is making sure that when travel does become safe again (and I’m hoping that this will be soon), that we help support the places that are near to us. It’ll be interesting to see how tourism goes back to normal once going on holiday is possible again.

I feel that travel around the UK will be more likely then going abroad, this pandemic will unfortunately not just disappear over night – but at least we will be able to support holiday places in the UK soon!

Visit Old Familiar Places to Get a New Perspective  

I have previously written about revisiting your favourite places, but sometimes you might not have explored somewhere, despite having driven past it several times.

For example, say you drive past the same canal on your way to work. You see it every day, in the distance, but you never go near it. Well, on your next day off, why not go drive up to it and take a walk on a sunny day. You’ll be amazed by how the sun glistens on the water, how colorful and interesting the canal boats are and can see a familiar place from a different perspective.

It doesn’t have to be a canal either, what about that park that you walk past/through without really enjoying the natural beauty of it?

Take a moment to appreciate the greenery. Have a picnic with your loved ones, walk your dog, and play fetch with them. Or find a picturesque tree and sit and read your favourite book under it.

Doing something a little bit differently by doing something that you wouldn’t normally do can create a totally new and enjoyable experience.

Try not to fall into the same habits, and just make sure to do things differently to how you normally would. This will help make all those old, familiar places feel like a brand new and fun experience.

Less Stress, More Fun

The whole point of a staycation is that it is less stress, meaning that you will have more fun. With everything that is going on right now in world, I wouldn’t even bother travelling abroad.

The stress of worrying about whether or not I could get back home or have to go into a two week quarantine or whether I had caught something/spread something to people I don’t know just doesn’t seem worth it (but to each their own).

Don’t get me wrong, in “normal times” traveling abroad to new and exotic places is a great experience, but even so, when your kids, work and financial pressures have left you feeling stressed and exhausted, then a staycation could be just the ticket you need.

You can forget about weeks of preparation, say goodbye to security checks at airports, and instead, say hello to peace and quiet. The perfect way to relax when you just want some time off.

53 thoughts on “Why Staycations are Becoming the New Vacation

  1. I love a staycation! Recently returned from Cumbria and the Lake District – 4 or so hour drive from my home town.


  2. I can’t wait for a staycation, I would love to go somewhere remote and stay over I love places to explore nearby as well. I’ve really enjoyed reading this post, I can’t wait to read your next post 😁


  3. I love a staycation! As you said, they are less stress and organizing and can be a lot of fun! I find people often complain that there is nothing to do where they live but if we just look there is so much to do!
    I love going on walking tours of my city to get a different perspective! At home spa days are also awesome 🙂


    1. Yes so many people say that there isn’t enough to do where they live, but actually there’s load, you’ve just got to look for it. I love that you go on a walking tour of your city though, that would definitely give you a different perspective of it and also home spas are a great way to relax! Such a brilliant suggestion 😀


  4. I love staycations! I get to do all the stuff I’ve been putting off for months and feel proud of myself. Also, as you mentioned, staycations can be a lot more relaxing. I’ve been away on holiday a few times where I felt like I needed a holiday when I got back.

    Sending good vibes all the way from South Africa. Michelle (


    1. Yes! Staycations are the perfect time to do everything that needs doing. I’m the same I always put things off for far too long, but then I just take some time off and I’m the most productive I’ve ever been haha!


  5. Staycations are definitely the new vacations this year! So many people I know are still traveling across the country but I am staying put and not getting on an airplane anytime soon lol. It’s kinda fun exploring the area around our home and places within driving distance that we normally wouldn’t pay attention to


    1. Yeah I know plenty of people who are fine going on an airplane, and I’m just like nope not happening! Not until things get back to normal anyway, but that’s just me. Besides, there are plenty of great places that people can visit near their home, and it still makes for a fantastic trip!


  6. I’ve actually only been going on Staycations for almost a decade! I absolutely love them. I feel like the UK has so much to offer and so many beautiful places to explore. I’d love to go abroad again and explore more of the world eventually but for now, I’m really enjoying doing as much as I can in this country. I think it’s great that more people are learning the value of a staycation now, due to COVID.


    1. That’s amazing! Just goes to show that you don’t always need to go abroad to have a brilliant time. As you said, there are so many beautiful places to explore and it would be a shame to miss out on them!


  7. Some brilliant points to consider here and I can so relate to not getting jet lag and all the stress. I’m very lucky because living in Manchester means the town centre and surrounding districts never stop evolving so there’s always so many new things popping. Plus, we have lots of big parks, and we aren’t that far away from the countryside, the coast and also Wales (still Britain, so I’m counting it). That’s ace that you are still discovering the features of your local area too, after livin* there for so long.


    1. Oh yes, Manchester is a good spot to live in, you’ve got so many amazing places nearby that aren’t too far away! Wales is one of my favourite places to go as well, it’s only about an hour’s drive away from me, but it’s like going to a completely new part of the world – always nice to have a different look at things!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh New Quay is just stunning, I’ve been once and would love to go back again. Wales has loads of amazing places, I’m sure I’ve missed out on a few. When I use to go with family we always went more North Wales, partly because my dad’s favourite castles are up there haha! So I still have a lot of exploring to do 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  8. I have nothing against being a tourist in my country, but I feel that staycations are a little pricey especially for a small city-state where I’m from. On rare occasions when I do staycations, it’s usually for the company if not anything else!

    I agree with you that there are hidden gems yet to be discovered though. I probably should venture beyond the places I frequent or have already been. Thanks for these ideas!


    1. That’s a shame that it’s a little bit pricey – I tend to try and find things that are free to do and then I’ll just pack a picnic or something to save on price. It all adds up otherwise!

      Honestly though, you’d be surprised by how many hidden gems there are near where you live, these last few months have shown me how many great places are near my home, and I’m still finding them!


  9. There has been some good come out of this less than ideal situation. I have loved seeing people explore their own backyards, learning all the incredible things that their hometowns have to offer (and they may not even know). For us, it has been the perfect opportunity to discover new hiking paths here in Southern Ontario, and we’ve found some great ones!


    1. Exactly that, I love that this is a positive for everything that has been going on. It might not be what people wanted, but it’s helping them appreciate their home, and find loads of things to do. I love that you’ve discovered some new hiking paths as well! I’ve never been to Southern Ontario, but I bet it’s fantastic!


  10. It’s a great post! I love staycations. They just help your mind to get relaxed and rejuvenate your inner instincts. Recently, visited a beautiful cliff and now I’m feeling so fresh!


    1. Yes! Staycations are the perfect way to relax, you don’t have to worry about the normal stress of going far away, and you come back feeling so refreshed. It really helps just give people that little break from the world that they might need 😀


  11. It is incredible, really, that locals in new towns do not know that much about where they live. I might as well look at the tourist brochure!
    I love that the virus it teaching people to connect better to their hometowns and their areas. Real locals are hard to come by but they know all the secret spots. 🙂


    1. It really is one positive that has come from this new situation. As you said, it’s incredible that people are connecting better to their hometown. I feel like everyone takes where they live for granted and don’t really appreciate it! I know that I was one of them, although I knew about a few good spots, it’s taken me my whole life to actually explore my hometown and find all these hidden gems. I’m so glad I have finally discovered them though!

      Liked by 1 person

  12. I totally agree with this. Staycations are pefect for what’s going on right now. Plus, I always love a good staycation!


  13. These are great tips! I think many of us are realizing that you can stay closer to home and still have a good time! I’ve got 2 mini staycations planned for the fall and I can’t wait! Thanks for the tips


    1. It certainly is making more people realize that they can stay close to home and still have a good time. I hope you have a brilliant time on your two mini staycations, I’m sure it’ll be great fun!


    1. I feel like most people always thought they had to go far to have a good time, but we’re finally learning that this isn’t the case. A change of scenery always helps, but you don’t have to go far to feel like you’ve got away from the “normal world” – I literally just have to walk for half an hour from my home and I find a completely secluded but beautiful spot. And you’re right, it is more environmentally friendly – that’s an excellent point actually!


  14. Very well written; I think one good thing that may come out of 2020 is people exploring their own area and finding out that there are as many things to see within an hour’s drive as there are jumping on a plane for several. Local tourism will hopefully get a boost! P.s. I love your domain name!


    1. Thank you! It really is one good thing to come out of 2020, might not be what everyone wanted, but it is definitely a good thing! I really do hope local tourism will get a boost after this as well 😀


  15. No matter how much I like to travel abroad, I have resigned myself to waiting until the children are much older to really enjoy exploring further afield.

    For now though, the UK has so much to offer and I am loving exploring it. This week alone we have been to Carlisle and Kendal and will be visiting Lincoln on saturday. There is so much on our doorstep that we are over looking a lot of the time.

    Thank you for the great tips x


    1. That’s a good idea about waiting for your children to be a bit older before going further afield. My parents did a lot of travelling abroad when I was little, and I don’t really remember it, but just means it’ll be a great adventure for me when I do go abroad again (but not just yet). But you’re right about the UK – there is so much that it has to offer. I’m slightly jealous that you’ve been to Carlisle and Kendal recently haha, that sounds wonderful. And Lincoln this Saturday as well! I hope you have an amazing time 😀


  16. I love the idea of a staycation. It’s funny how whenever I’ve had time off from work it was always about flying to a new country. Or at least flying to another part within Canada. But I know that there are so many interesting things within a couple of hours drive that I’ve only heard about, so I hope to be able to discover them finally.


    1. I was the same! Always thinking that I have to go far to see something new and exciting, but in these last few months, I have found loads of amazing places to explore – new walking paths, bike trails, a few moats and a ruined abbey (which for me is pretty amazing haha)!


  17. This is a great idea! I didn’t realise that “staycation” now means local travel as well as a holiday at home. There’s something magical about seeing new places, even if they’re only around the corner from you – I found a lovely new walk near my house during lockdown and now I do it regularly, but I’d never have known about the route if I hadn’t been looking for local places to explore 🙂


    1. Yes, I always thought of a staycation as a holiday just taken at home, but now it seems people are using it more to mean going away to somewhere nearby! It’s great to hear that you’ve found a new walk near your home though, this seems to be a common thing for many people! We’ve gone on loads of new walks, and have even found medieval plow fields near home, follies, and a wonderful wooded bank, all of which we didn’t know existed until lockdown (despite living here for years)! Crazy that it took lockdown to experience things that are on your doorstep!


    1. Yes exactly! There is so much to do and explore that it would be a shame to miss out by always going abroad. Plus, you’re totally right, you do end up saving a bit (so that’s a great little extra perk)!


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